Gārsene castle exhibition hall

In 2012, using the LEADER programme, was made in Gārsene Castle simplified reconstruction of baron porch – were restored windows, the external and internal porch facade and was inserted the door that leads to an outdoor terrace.

Baron veranda is successfully used as exhibition hall – there are three glass walls, plenty of natural light and veranda window glass games are playful and colorful that atmosphere makes romantic and enjoyable.


 Exhibition of  works of art in ceramics "Autumn coal" by craft center "Rūme" in November, 2015
Sanatgora exhibition of art "Dimension" from September to Oktober, 2015
Exhibition of art "Impression" by Atis Bambāns in July, 2015
Exhibition of art by Jolanta Ābele in Mai, 2015

The exhibition  of the art school Aknīste in April, 2015
  • Zālē ir dabiskais apgaismojums
  • Zāles izmērs: 8 x 9 metri, h = 3.4m
  • Piedāvājam gleznu eksponēšanas statīvus
Ja vēlaties savus darbus eksponēt Gārsenes pils Izstāžu zālē, tad zvaniet + 371 27819084; + 371 29490656 vai rakstiet garsenespils@akniste.lv!

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